Company Reports / Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. LTD
COMPANY: Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. LTD
Total Impact Score: 1,299.44
Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. LTD is ranked 19th place in our index for 2015. Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. LTD’s drugs have a total impact score of 1,299.44. Taisho Pharmaceuticals treats one disease in our model - P. falc malaria - with one drug - Clarithromycin (CL). Taisho Pharmaceuticals receives credit for one treatment against P. falc malaria - Clarithromycin (CL). This one drug averted 1,299.36 of the total DALYS for P. falc malaria, which is 0.01% of the worldwide DALYs that we estimate would have been lost due to P. falc malaria in 2015 in the absence of effective treatment. Taisho Pharmaceuticals’ drug portfolio placed it 6th in terms of total averted DALYs for P. falc malaria.
Company Score Breakdown:
Key Drugs
Clarithromycin (CL), a macrolide antibiotic, is no longer a WHO recommended drug in the treatment of tuberculosis due to ineffectiveness, although it is sometimes used in the treatment of MDR-TB and RR-TB. It is used for respiratory, soft tissue and skin infections such as pneumonia and pharyngitis and other bacterial infections by stopping bacterial growth. Clarithromycin was first patented by Taisho Pharmaceutical in 1994.
Company Information
Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. is a Japanese pharmaceutical company based in Tokyo. Upon establishment in 1912, the company produced over-the-counter drugs, but later moved to producing prescription drugs in addition to OTC medicines. Taisho’s company mission is to contribute to society by manufacturing pharmaceutical and health care products that improve people’s health, and therefore, their lives as a whole. An early focus of the company was product taste, and release of an energy drink called Lipovitan-D led to Taisho’s status as an OTC field leader. This was also the first product by Taisho to be sold overseas. Taisho also produces cough suppressants, pain relievers, and antibiotics. Currently, Taisho markets brands such as Vicks, Tempra, Contac and several more. Taisho Holdings Inc. reported a revenue of 2.61 billion dollars for the fiscal year of 2019. Taisho Pharmaceutical reported employing 9,356 employees as of 2020.